Rather than discussing how to create an email sequence or the benefits of creating one, let us reveal a great secret about email marketing.
In VAM, we use e-mail marketing just like other companies for lead nurturing and maximize conversions, but in fact we use it more for analyzing, comparing, and understanding our customer base.
How can that be accomplished?
The plan is to design two email sequences for each category of our audience, one for Sales and another for value added marketing. Emails are professionally written from multiple perspectives, and we brainstorm and gather suggestions to ensure we cover all marketing ideas. Each week, one sales email and two VAM emails will be sent automatically.
Hundreds and sometimes thousands of Leads will receive these emails, and based on the number of clicks we track, the volume of sales generated by each email, as well as dozens of other parameters we can analyze and read, we will find out which marketing ideas, offers, or topics attract or interest our Leads.
Thus, we got the marketing idea for free, one that has already proven successful. After that, it will be launched as an advertisement, which always succeeds and meets the highest expectations.
In four broadcast emails, we can re-target these leads to address four advertising aspects, resulting in more and more readings and analysis.
To get the maximum benefit from email marketing, VAM can build the email sequences professionally to ensure the correct segmentation and distribution of your potential customers. Click here to request a quote today.