Abdullah Emad


Who is Abdullah Emad ?

My name is Abdullah and my work at VAM revolves around writing marketing content for our clients Before the start of any project, we are keen to review and unpack the Brain Storming sessions that are organized at the beginning of the content creation stage, and my main goal is to simplify ideas, vocabulary and the language of dialogue in order to reach the target audience in the correct manner. Words have magic on the mind simply because they are responsible for carrying thoughts to people. At VAM, we are keen to choose brilliant ideas for all companies that work with us… We are also keen to formulate these ideas in a way that the audience understands and interacts with and that serves its purpose, which is to raise sales. Whether this content is for video texts, emails, publications on social networking sites, or the website … and others. We assure you that we are the best choice for placing your investment in marketing with us

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